Chemia i Biznes

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Plastixexpo 2012

  • Termin29 - 31 marca 2012
  • MiejsceParma, Włochy

Plastixexpo is the attraction centre for the manufacturing industry, both for enterprises that produce finished products and for those engaged in outsourcing industrial processing. During the three days of fair, the most important companies that offer machines and plants for the processing of plastic materials, raw materials and additives, will make available their know-how and expertise to help you optimize the production of plastic items. Thematic sections * Injection Machines * Injection blow moulding machines * Reaction moulding machinery and plant * Machinery for foam * Machines for rotational moulding * Belt conveyors * Ultrasonic welders * Thermoforming Plants * Tampografy Machines * Hotrunner systems – * Resistances - * Mould bases * Thermoregulation devices for moulds and pipelines Kontakt: SENAF S.r.l. Address: Via Eritrea,21/A tel.: +390521996284

Plastixexpo is the attraction centre for the manufacturing industry, both for enterprises that produce finished products and for those engaged in outsourcing industrial processing. During the three days of fair, the most important companies that offer machines and plants for the processing of plastic materials, raw materials and additives, will make available their know-how and expertise to help you optimize the production of plastic items.

Thematic sections
* Injection Machines
* Injection blow moulding machines
* Reaction moulding machinery and plant
* Machinery for foam
* Machines for rotational moulding
* Belt conveyors
* Ultrasonic welders
* Thermoforming Plants
* Tampografy Machines
* Hotrunner systems –
* Resistances -
* Mould bases
* Thermoregulation devices for moulds and pipelines

SENAF S.r.l.
Address: Via Eritrea,21/A
tel.: +390521996284

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