Chemia i Biznes

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LABOTEC Suisse 2011

  • Termin8 - 9 czerwca 2011
  • MiejsceGenewa, Szwajcaria

At LABOTEC Suisse 2011, the supply chain for laboratory equipment, analytical instruments and methods, laboratory information management systems, measurement and testing techniques, biotechnology and diagnostics will be represented. Visitors will gain a complete overview of the market with regard to state-of-the-art analytics and can structure their trade show visit to be even more efficient due to the thematic synergies. LABOTEC Suisse 2011 is particularly aimed at decision-makers and specialist staff from laboratories who want to find out about the latest products, solutions and trends in these areas in an informal setting. The trade show quickly and simply provides professional visitors with a compact product overview and direct contact with the supplier. Following topics will be presented: Laboratory apparatus * Laboratory equipment * Chemicals and Reagents * Consumables * Installations Analytical equipment and methods * Applications * Microscopy & optical image processing * Sample preparation * Sediment analytics Laboratory informatics * Laboratory data systems * Quality management software Measuring and test engineering * Measuring and test engineering * Quality control Biotechnology / Diagnostics * Biotechnology * Medicine Kontakt: easyFairs Switzerland GmbH Address: Utengasse 44, 4058, Basel Phone: 41 61 22810 00

At LABOTEC Suisse 2011, the supply chain for laboratory equipment, analytical instruments and methods, laboratory information management systems, measurement and testing techniques, biotechnology and diagnostics will be represented. Visitors will gain a complete overview of the market with regard to state-of-the-art analytics and can structure their trade show visit to be even more efficient due to the thematic synergies.
LABOTEC Suisse 2011 is particularly aimed at decision-makers and specialist staff from laboratories who want to find out about the latest products, solutions and trends in these areas in an informal setting. The trade show quickly and simply provides professional visitors with a compact product overview and direct contact with the supplier.

Following topics will be presented:
Laboratory apparatus
* Laboratory equipment
* Chemicals and Reagents
* Consumables
* Installations
Analytical equipment and methods
* Applications
* Microscopy & optical image processing
* Sample preparation
* Sediment analytics
Laboratory informatics
* Laboratory data systems
* Quality management software
Measuring and test engineering
* Measuring and test engineering
* Quality control
Biotechnology / Diagnostics
* Biotechnology
* Medicine

easyFairs Switzerland GmbH
Address: Utengasse 44, 4058, Basel
Phone: 41 61 22810 00

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