Chemia i Biznes

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IPAF, International Plastic and Packaging Technologies Fair

  • Termin2 - 5 czerwca 2011
  • MiejsceIstanbuł, Turcja

IPAF, International Plastic and Packaging Technologies Fair, is going to be held for the fourteenth times between 2 and 5 June at the ISTANBUL EXPO CENTER. IPAF. Every year, with a large number of the participant's attention mainly from Turkey and Europe, IPAF has a very wide scope in innovation and technological changes. Especially in Europe, the Far East, South Asia and the United States from many foreign participants who are attracted to the fair every year in order to exhibit design of new products and latest developments in technology and reveal successful organization and large-scale presentation. Thematic sections Injection Moulding Machines Extrusion Moulding Machines (Hose, Cable, Profile, Layer, sheet) Blow Moulding Machines Rotation Moulding Machines Thermoform Shaping Machines Vacuum Shaping Machines Plastic Bag Making Machines Sack making Machines Roll Rewinding Machines Slitting Machines Welding Machines, Cutting Machines Printing Machines Vertical Film Extruders Horizontal Film Extruders Converting systems Recycling Systems Dosage, Drying, Remove Moisture and Loading Systems Mixers Heating - Cooling Systems-Resistance Robot Systems Mould Makers Grinding and Breaking Machines Metal Separators Moulds and Dies Components Raw Materials Compound- Alloys Dye Components, Fillers and Additives Semi Finished Products Plastic Machine Components Automation Systems, Test and Measuring Equipments Kontakt: Yagmur Fair Company Address: Mecidiye Cad. Cure İshani No: 16 Kat: 2 Mecidiyekoy Phone: + 90 212 272 45 60

IPAF, International Plastic and Packaging Technologies Fair, is going to be held for the fourteenth times between 2 and 5 June at the ISTANBUL EXPO CENTER. IPAF. Every year, with a large number of the participant's attention mainly from Turkey and Europe, IPAF has a very wide scope in innovation and technological changes. Especially in Europe, the Far East, South Asia and the United States from many foreign participants who are attracted to the fair every year in order to exhibit design of new products and latest developments in technology and reveal successful organization and large-scale presentation.

Thematic sections

  • Injection Moulding Machines
  • Extrusion Moulding Machines (Hose, Cable, Profile, Layer, sheet)
  • Blow Moulding Machines
  • Rotation Moulding Machines
  • Thermoform Shaping Machines
  • Vacuum Shaping Machines
  • Plastic Bag Making Machines
  • Sack making Machines
  • Roll Rewinding Machines
  • Slitting Machines
  • Welding Machines, Cutting Machines
  • Printing Machines
  • Vertical Film Extruders
  • Horizontal Film Extruders
  • Converting systems
  • Recycling Systems
  • Dosage, Drying, Remove Moisture and Loading Systems
  • Mixers
  • Heating - Cooling Systems-Resistance
  • Robot Systems
  • Mould Makers
  • Grinding and Breaking Machines
  • Metal Separators
  • Moulds and Dies Components
  • Raw Materials
  • Compound- Alloys
  • Dye Components, Fillers and Additives
  • Semi Finished Products
  • Plastic Machine Components
  • Automation Systems, Test and Measuring Equipments

Yagmur Fair Company
Address: Mecidiye Cad. Cure İshani No: 16 Kat: 2 Mecidiyekoy
Phone: + 90 212 272 45 60

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