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Interplastica 2012

  • Termin24 - 27 stycznia 2012
  • MiejsceMoskwa, Rosja

24–27 January 2012 will be the time of the 15th INTERPLASTICA, the biggest event of the industry in this region. It is a trade fair where you can intensify existing contacts and gain new, attractive customers. NTERPLASTICA 2011 characterised by positive market developments/20,000 trade visitors very interested in international vendors. The Russian plastic and rubber products market has picked up and is gaining momentum. Although recovery is a little slower than in the rest of the BRIC region, there is investment in every area of the industry again. Projects that had been put on hold due to the global financial and economic crisis have got underway again and new tasks are being addressed. There is still considerable need for investment in Russia, with production capacities being expanded and modernised, especially in the areas of packaging and medical technology, as the health and pharmaceuticals sector is receiving greater support from the Russian government. However, the infrastructure is also considered to be an attractive growth market, as are the consumer goods and automobile industries. Kontakt: OOO Messe Düsseldorf Moscow Mr. Kirill Piskarev Phone: +7 4 99 795 25 94 Fax: +7 499 795 29 40 E-mail: Ms. Irina Kuleshova Phone: +7 499 795 25 94 Fax: +7 499 795 29 40 E-mail:

24–27 January 2012 will be the time of the 15th INTERPLASTICA, the biggest event of the industry in this region. It is a trade fair where you can intensify existing contacts and gain new, attractive customers.

NTERPLASTICA 2011 characterised by positive market developments/20,000 trade visitors very interested in international vendors. The Russian plastic and rubber products market has picked up and is gaining momentum. Although recovery is a little slower than in the rest of the BRIC region, there is investment in every area of the industry again. Projects that had been put on hold due to the global financial and economic crisis have got underway again and new tasks are being addressed. There is still considerable need for investment in Russia, with production capacities being expanded and modernised, especially in the areas of packaging and medical technology, as the health and pharmaceuticals sector is receiving greater support from the Russian government. However, the infrastructure is also considered to be an attractive growth market, as are the consumer goods and automobile industries.

OOO Messe Düsseldorf Moscow
Mr. Kirill Piskarev
Phone: +7 4 99 795 25 94
Fax: +7 499 795 29 40
Ms. Irina Kuleshova
Phone: +7 499 795 25 94
Fax: +7 499 795 29 40

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